This pipe made my 261 the baddest saw in all the land!!! I freaking love it! So loud, noticeably more power and you wouldn't believe this but it takes less pulls to start. Thanks guys
Definitely can feel the extra torque with the bar buried in bigger wood. Make sure you do the stihl mtronic recalibration right after installing. The trade off is the fact that it’s extremely loud. Loud enough to make my tinnitus ring with ear muffs. Worth it though.
Wow wow WOW! The best of the best! Only sick pipe for a 261! She’s a real Squeeler!
I never work without hearing protection, but you're going to need it with this pipe! I don't know if it had any power, but it sure sounds like it.
The pipe quality fit and function is on point. Very nice craftsmanship,as well as a performance gain.Dyno didn't lie torque is higher, and throttle response is great. A bit loud as would be expected, but very fun to run.