About Us

After high school, driven by my love for the outdoors, I chose to pursue a degree in Forestry at Michigan Tech University. Following graduation, I relocated to Idaho and secured a position with the U.S. Forest Service. Although I found the work enjoyable, it lacked the hard and physically demanding work that I had grown accustomed to and loved.
In 1994, I left the Forest Service to pursue a career in logging. Over the next four years, I transitioned from hooking logs under an Idaho jammer to working under a high lead yarder, and finally becoming a faller! Falling trees and hard work became my passion, and I took to it like a duck to water.
In 1999, I acquired my first ported chainsaw from Madsen’s, and the difference in performance compared to stock saws was significant. Over the next several years, I continued to invest in ported saws from various builders, developing an obsession with obtaining the most powerful saws I could buy. As a gearhead, I eventually decided to try porting my own saws and saws for friends. A year later, I decided to purchase a lathe and take porting saws to the next level. For the next 12 years, I managed to juggle two full-time jobs, felling timber and porting saws.
In 2019, I made the decision to cease falling and concentrate on saw porting. The demanding physical work had taken a toll on me. Shortly thereafter, I noticed a rising demand not only for porting services but also for high-quality aftermarket parts and accessories. As a saw porter, my focus on accessories is performance-based. It didn't take long for the products side of the business to expand beyond what I was capable of handling.
My wife, Kara, and I made the decision for her to leave her job and take charge of managing the products side of our business. It turned out to be a great decision! As a result, we've become a mom-and-pop business that strives for the best customer service in the industry.