Frequently Asked Questions

Products and Services

Feel free to browse our product selection, and utilize the search function to filter results by the make and model of your saw. If you're unable to locate a specific product, it means then we don't offer it. Typically there is a good reason why we don't offer a product.

Yes, please contact us for more details.

We prefer not to, but can make exceptions. Please Contact Us for more info.

All Straight Shots & Felling Dawgs/Spikes have a lifetime warranty. Other products are warranted for defects at time of purchase.

Yes, please Contact Us for details

With the exception of our foam air filters, all our products are made locally in Idaho, USA.


Sometimes, email confirmations may end up in your spam or junk folder. Please check these folders to ensure the confirmation email hasn't been filtered.

Yes, please send them back. Upon receiving the returned items, we will ship out the correct product

We typically use 'Priority Mail' for shipping. However, it's important to note that once we ship, we have no control over the shipping carrier. The shipping duration can vary depending on your location and the carrier's policies. For more precise information on your specific order, please refer to the shipping details provided during the checkout process or check your order confirmation email.

Absolutely! Please contact us to
schedule a time.

Your order was able to ship at a cheaper rate. The refund is a result in savings on shipping.